tisdag 10 december 2013

Ljusets reflexion

vad menas med att ljustrålar är parallella? Det är när  ljusstrålar inte korsar varandra då är de parallella strålar.

Speglande reflexion:
speglande reflexion är när ljuset träffade blankt spegeln så bröts ljusets strålar åt samma håll.

diffus reflexion:
Diffus reflexion är när ytan är skrovlig och ljusstrålarna reflekteras så bryts dess strålar mot den skrovliga ytan och reflekteras åt olika håll.

Vad är reflexionslagen?
När reflexionsvinkeln är lika stor som infallsvinkeln kallas det reflexionslagen och reflexionsvinkeln är alltid lika stora som infallsvinkeln.

vad är brännpunkt?
Brännpunkt är t.ex när parallella strålar träffa en konkav spegel då blir brännpunkten där strålarna reflekteras mot och den platsen strålarna träffar kallas brännpunkt.

 Förklara skillnaden mellan en konkav och en konvex spegel.
Någonting som är konkav buktar inåt på mitten och ser ut t.ex en skål. En Konkav spegel ger en förstorad bild när man tittar nära håll. En konkav spegel används ofta som smink spegel för att när man tittar på nära håll ger de en förstorad bild.

En konvex spegel buktar utåt i mitten det kan t.ex se ut som utsidan av en boll och en konvex spegel ger en förminskad bild av verkligheten. Konvexa speglar används bland annat som backspeglar till bilar eller som trafikspeglar

fredag 6 december 2013


Konkreta: boll, träd

Abstraktiva: godhet, lycka

 Artikel: en boll-bollen n-ord ett träd - trädet t-ord

Numerus= antal
singular ental
plural flertal
singular obestämd form boll
singular bestämd form trädet, bollen
plural  bestämd form båtarna

Genitiv= ägandeform 
Olle syster
Majas kaka
pojkens boll

kakornas mönster
mina bollar

Nils har en boll. Det är Nils

ex rund, glad, röd
beskriver hur ngt/ngn är

Komparerar= böjer, jämför 
  Positiv             komparativ         superlativ
   gul god        gulare godare     gulast godast

 Positiv- dålig, tung, liten, kritisk, intressant

komparativ-sämre, tyngre, mindre, mer kritisk, mer intressant

superlativ-sämst, tyngs, minst, mest kritisk, mest intressant

Adjektiv påverkas av substantivets genes och numerus
ex e-ord ett vackert träd
det vackra trädet
ex n-ord en vacker kvinna
den vackra kvinnan

Notting Hill, New Man, Picture puzzle

The book is about a woman and a man. Anne Scott is an American film star she is famous and rich. One day she walks into a travel bookshop in Notting Hill and meets William Thacker. She is buying some books and William can't believe that's her. His bookshop is small and not successful. Ann comes into the bookshop to buy some books, William thought that he recognized her face and he could not believe that was Anne Scott. -William went to her and said “Can I help you?” but she said she just wanted to buy books. She buy some books and went out William wanted to say something but he did not do it. then one can follow William and Anna, you can follow how their relationship be developed.

New Man
I have already finished reading Notting hill, and now I have started to read  New man. It's about a girl  named Rachel. Rachel's parents are divorsed. Her mum has a new man and her dad has a new girlfriend how has two kids. Rachel thinks they are horrible and spiteful. Rachel has many friends and they are really close and she calls them her sisters. They have been friends since they had started school. Rachel's dad is getting married again and she is afraid that he forgets her and start a new family. And her mum got a man named Dave. Rachel thinks he is cool and nice but one day she comes home and she hears her mother talking to Dave on the telephone and she thought that they move to London with Dave and leave her. But her mum said that was Dave how was moving here with them. 

Picture puzzle:
The book I read is about a young man named Pete. One morning Pete was on his way to college, and he walked into a large shopping mall. There was a bookshop in the mall and he wanted to buy some books. Pete sees a blond girl in the shopping mall and the girl runs against him. She had short blonde hair and  round glasses and she had a camera in her hands and she gave him a cassette of film and camera and ran away, and there was two men how ran after her. Peter was confused and he looked at the picture the girl gave him and he saw a picture when the girl was in a church and he looked for every church in the little town. But he didn't find  her. Pete was hungry and he went to a café and he asked if they had seen a girl with blonde hair and glasses, and a girl who was working there said she knew her and she said to him where the girl lived. Pete went there and when he knocked on the door a man opened  and it was one of them the man who was looking for the girl. He said he was waiting for her and she was coming back soon. When Pete came in  the man said to him he could wait for her here but the girl was tied up and was in the house. The man took out a gun and told Pete that he wanted back the pictures the girl took and Pete said he would not give him and threw out the cassette and the pictures through the window The Man ran to the window and then he pushed him and he fell down. Pete called the police and he found the girl. Then they tould everything to the police.

the book is about a girl named Kelly.  Kelly and her friends and are close really they are, almost like sisters.  Kelly and her friends is going to a party. Kelly want to go to the party with her ​​friends but she can´t go because her mother said to her it´s dangerous to go alone so she wants to drive her to the party  but kelly think it´s embarrassing when her mother drive her and pick her she nagged a little while on her mom since she may go to the party but she needs to be home ten o'clock. she goes to the party with their friends and then hit them a few guys from school. Rachel want to hang with them because she likes one of the guys. Kelly thinks party the is fun but l some guys come and throw eggs at kelly and laugh at her it was Daudi one of Kelly's friends brother it was him and his friends who throw eggs at her. Kelly did not think it was fun then she goes to her friends and say she wants to go home, but they say that the party is not over and the clock is not ten. Kelly says she's tired and she wants to go home. Siti says to her that she can not walk home alone but kelly said it's okay she's not afraid. When Kelly is on her way home she hear footsteps behind her. She was really scared and hurried when she came home she goes upstairs. Then she hear her brother talk to their mum, he told her that he followed Kelly all the way home. 

The Wave:
Mr Ross teaches history at Gordon High school. Mr Ross wants to teach his history class about Hitler and the Nazis. One afternoon he shows his class a film about Hitler and Nazis at the end of the  film he tells his students the nazis killed more than 10 million men, women and children, the class is very quiet and a student  puts her hand up and asks if all the nazis was bad people Mr Ross couldn't answer the question and he wants to show the answer for the class and the wave starts. His students love it and the wave is a strong team, and it gets stronger every day. In a short time most of the students want to be in the wave. Laurie is a students in the history class. She likes the wave at the first day. But now she thinks it is bad. Laurie wants to write about the wave in the school newspaper and the wave students are angry and they want to stop her. 

I think it is important beacuse you will get better vocabulary and good pronunciation if you read a book, and I am gonna start to read.

onsdag 4 december 2013

Hur långt jag ska läsa

Jag har läst klart min bok så jag ska låna en ny bok, och  till på onsdag ska jag läsa till 10 sidaor

måndag 2 december 2013

Ljusets egenskaper:

1. Vilken hastighet har ljus i vakuum? 300 000 km/s

2. varför kan man inte säga att månen är ljuskälla? Eftersom att  månen reflektera bara solens ljus.

3. Förklara hur ljuset gör att vi kan se ett föremål, till exempel en penna. för att ljuskällan skickar ur ljus och föremålet lyser inte själva utan återkastar en del av det ljus som träffar de.

4.Vilken enheter använder man när man mäter ljusstyrka och när man mäter belysning? Man  mäter belysning med hjälp av en luxmeter för att se bra, och enheten för belysning är lux.  För att se hur mycket ljus en vissa ljuskälla skickar ut ljusstyrkan använder man enheten candela.